123movies Watch Twilight 2008 Online Free Streaming

122 minutes

average rating - 6,1 of 10

country - USA

Release year - 2008

description - When Bella moves to the rainy, cold and cloudy town of forks to live with her dad, she doesn't expect much. She's kind of a misfit and doesn't have a lot of friends. But when she meets the extremely mysterious and handsome looking boy, Edward Cullen everything changes. As the two slowly grow closer, they begin to realize they have a very strong love for one another. Edward has been waiting for a long time for a soul mate and Bella is the one. But the closer he gets to her the more difficult it becomes for him to resist her blood. The two know they are entering a forbidden relationship. They have to face many dangers just because they are together

star - Kristen Stewart





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Watch twilight 2008 online free streaming free. Watch twilight 2008 online free streaming movie sites. Critics have been giving lukewarm reviews of Twilight for a lack of action, blood and gore. My question to them is "Have you read the books? The book is a love story about a girl who falls in love with a boy who happens to be a vampire and the obstacles they need to overcome. Granted the movie wasn't perfect but with a budget of only 37 million, I think they did a darn good job representing the book, also the movie has Stephenie's blessing. Does it follow the book precisely, no, but what book to movie adaption ever does? The movie stays true to the essence of the characters and the story. If they fit the whole book into the movie, that would be a four hour movie, now, being an avid Twilight fan, I wouldn't have minded that one bit.
There were a few scenes in the movie where I felt the actors could have enunciated their lines a bit more clearly, also some of the "glowering" scenes were a bit over the top being laughed at by the audience. But was that the fault of Rob overacting or Catherine's fault for lack of direction? maybe I should try to glower with orange contacts in my eyes) I felt the movie flowed well with the bit of tweaking done from book to script. I would have liked to see the part at the café' in Port Angeles where Bella tells Edward to stop dazzling people and him asking her if he dazzles her to which her answer is "Frequently" If you read Midnight Sun on Stephenie Meyer's website that is a pivotal turn for Edward. I felt that was important.
When Edward enters the sunlight, it has more of a glittery look. Perhaps a better look would have been that of an opal with the rainbows reflecting off him? I saw on another post site that several people agreed with my opal look for the vampires) I could have done without the "sparkle" sound affect in the movie. Tell me, does a Swarovski crystal make a sound when it catches the sunlight and sparkles? I just thought it was a cheesy addition.
I would have liked to see Edward dedicate Bella's lullaby to her and hear it in its pure form, just the piano, Edward and Bella.
The kiss scene in Bella's room was so electric you could feel the tension building in your own body and when their lips finally consummated their love. WOW! There is definitely a powerful chemistry between these two actors bringing more to this movie than if they didn't.
I liked the scenes of James' coven hunting bringing more depth to the "bad" vampires. Collecting mementos from their prey was brilliant.
I enjoyed it for what it is. A book to movie adaption and a getaway from the real world for two hours that I liked VERY much.



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